Potential recruits see the army as a dangerous, passionate pursuit, but most Army opportunities have nothing to do with a fight.






The Army and its esports team will partner with the popular military shooter game, Call of Duty. But there won’t be any shooting.

We’ll create a game mode with no weapons. Players will earn XP by using supportive equipment, vehicles and scorestreaks to complete challenges and carry out tasks that highlight career fields the Army has to offer, like transportation, administration, engineering and even making beats for the Army band.

We’ll offer exclusive character skins for players that rack up the most XP, as well as partner with streamers to kick off the mode.

:06 TV Spots

OPEN with a close-up on a furrowed, sweating brow with the person clearly working hard at something. VO has the standard Army VO voice, with no other sounds.

VO: Perseverance. Dedication. Teamwork.

The camera zooms out to show the owner of the brow: a chef, hard at work in the kitchen, but his expression shows he’s enjoying it, as the din of kitchen noise swells.

Title card.

VO: U.S. Army. Don’t be a hero. Be a chef.

OPEN with a close-up on a furrowed, sweating brow, bouncing a little as the person works hard at a task we can’t see. VO has the standard Army VO voice, with no other sounds.

VO: Focus. Determination. Sacrifice.

The camera zooms out to show the owner of the brow: a drummer in uniform, playing his kit passionately, as the music from his drums and a crowd fills the dead air.

Title card.

VO: U.S. Army. Don’t be a hero. Be a drummer.